God Watches Over The Children

This blog is for families destroyed by Children and Youth Agencies. To submit your story, send to Godloveschildren@echoes.net

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Pray as David prayed because David's prayers were answered. The bible tells us that David was a man after God's own heart.........pray as David prayed if you want your prayers answered!

Judge Kathleen Akao 57 years old from Santa Cruz County, California dropped dead sunday Nov. 27, 2005 for no apparent reason........well the reason is that she has destroyed numerous families by taking their children and grandchildren away from them. We have been and will continue to pray Psalm 109 against all judges, lawyer, therapists, doctors, and especially law makers, senators etc. who continue their evil practice of destroying families for profit. Please go to our website www.godwatchesoverthechildren.org and make a list of all names and continue down in this blog to find all elected officials you MUST pray Psalm 109 against these evil people until God removes them....and HE will! God gave you your children and grandchildren He will restore........read your bible and believe.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Gov. destroyed our families, now they are taking Jesus!

Several retailers have joined in the push to ban the use of "Christmas"
in their in-store promotions and retail advertising. The new push to eliminate "Christmas" and replace it with "Happy Holidays," "Season's Greetings," etc. is gaining ground with several retailers participating.
Call Target, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Kmart/Sears, Costco, Kohl's and Lowe's about their practice. (Lowe's even refuses to promote their trees as Christmas trees, but calls them "Holiday Trees." Their toll-free number is 1-800-445-6937.)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Contact your state elected officials and tell them either change laws or we're voting them out of office. Won't help for just the few of us who do these things........EVERYBODY MUST DO THIS! You must pray against all of these men and women who will not change laws to protect our families, they destroy our families and take your children and grandchildren for profit. Pray Psalm 109 against them and sit back and watch God take them out....and restore your loved ones.
“Woe to those who make unjust laws, and those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people.” Isaiah 10:1
We must vote the ones who will not help out of office. Send us the responses you get so we can post them on our sites as well as other sites. Send us the report when God answers our prayers as we all continue to pray Psalm 109 against these peole who destroy our families. Name names when you pray God is listening and He is answering. Send us newspaper links to articles. Send all links to answered prayer and all responses from officials campaigning for office to prayer@godwatchesoverthechildren.org We will publish all links and reports we get. Keep up the great work, get on your knees and pray.

He Who Demands Your Rights Aims To Take Your Security

He Who Demands Your Rights Aims To Take Your Security
To subscribe to VetZine email
VetZine blog

Wealth of information on the link below

Defend Your Family
There is a trade and traffic in children and adults being conducted bygovernment officials. This website is invaluable for it's thorough documention of this slave trade.The site provides enormous amounts of reference information and resources for those attacked by the slave traders. Don't Miss It Your Family May Be Next http://erikdravn.cendra.net/packets/
Email Cecile gemni@sover.net

Fighting for our kids

While we are in this fight with our ungodly government who is selling our children and destroying families, we must honor God if we expect Him to:
Destroy this evil government and restore families by returning our children they kidnapped and sold, return thousands of innocent people in prison for decades for crimes they never committed and return the finances, your ability to work and make right more atrocities than I can think of we MUST; Stand up for God by boycotting Wal-Mart. They refuse to allow their employee's to say Merry Christmas......why then do we reward them by turning around and give them our hard earned money? General Mills must be boycotted......all products! They have a new commercial out for Total, which I bought until I seen this new commercial. A woman takes God's name in vain 4 times in this commercial. Do you really expect God to work for you while you will not take a stand for Him.....why should He? Get a back bone! Lois Hafler

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Court Room Ball

Excellent website created by Cecile in her battle fighting for our children. Thanks Cecile you're a blessing.
Court Room Ball
Come one come two come three come all,
We will take your kids to the court room ball.
The State makes claim The judge complies,
The hearts ripped out the family dies.
The sheriff's department they say very stern,
Go home get out this court's adjourned.
The children's life's are now in danger,
First from the cops, CPS then in the hands of a stranger.
There was nothing wrong the children were fine,
They say if we keep them, we'd abuse them in time.
With their crystal ball and some money from gov.,
They cast them in homes, We pray they get loved.
They TPR you - You did nothing wrong,
They are cold hearted and cruel,
Now your family is gone.
Come one come two come three come all,
We will take your kids to the court room ball.
This is all so profitable easy and fun,
It's also illegal but it's to help every one.
So the families get hurt that's a small price they say,
When you look at all the money the feds will pay.
After all there are really children who are being abused,
There are children who you see and hear on the news.
It's the wrapper on the candy that makes people say,
It's OK to take the rights of the families away.
Cecile Allcock

Letter to Uncle Sam

We saluted the flag
We sang the song
We pledged the pledge
How did it all go wrong?

They took our rights
How can this be?
Now even God is gone...
Can nobody can see?

A court without justice
Now tell me please this...
For if she is now blind
The truth's been dismissed?

She takes nether side
Partial they say
Liberty and justice...they
Were great in their day!

We had our laws
The truth was set down.
The Constitution was formed
Our rights they were bound.

Now they are gone
So too
our freedom it would seem
It wasn't so long ago
it was the American dream.

They have taken it all
Calling it, The Patriot Act
We were once given our freedom
but it has been now taken back.

The States are corrupt
Stealing children and all.
You can tell them the truth
But they won't take your call.

So please tell me this
I send out my plea
Without justice for all
How can we call ourselves free?

I don't have a flag
any more on my land
The people that love it
they don't understand

It brings tears to my eyes
When I see it fly high
Men fought so hard for it
So many of them died

It was the symbol of freedom
It use to fly proud
There is not much to look up to
Now that God's not allowed

So I stand here before you
and ask you this day
How was it so easy to
Take our freedom away?

Cecile Allcock
Bellows Falls, VT

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Please, if you do nothing else......DO THIS!
www.lc.org go to right side of page where it says;Request Legal Assistance
After looking at these websites call this lawyer fighting for our constitutional rights and the preservation of the traditional family. They have attorneys in ALL 50 states. They need to get thousands of calls to know that this is a worthy effort. This is from their website.....NOTE: To contact our attorneys for legal assistance involving religious freedom, the sanctity of life or traditional family values, call our office. Do not rely on email. Your request may not reach us due to technical reasons. Be sure to include a telephone number.

Monday, November 14, 2005

God Watches Over The Children

Please use this blog to post your stories about CPS atrocities. The links are here to assist you in your search for help. Remember thousands of families are suffering as you are suffering. By banding together, sharing our hurts, praying together and working as a team we can overcome! We must get busy and contact all elected officials and candidates with our demands. You can find all your elected officials and candidates on the following two sites.
The following sites are just a few of the sites with information that others have gathered from going through what you are going through. We pray that together we all will benefit from what we all have learned.
More links will be added and feel free to post your links BUT only if they are about CPS abuses. We will not tolerate profanity.
Please listen to Justice Enforcers Radio over your computer. Week nights 5-11 P.M. eastern time.

God Watches Over The Children

Who links to me?